Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Use a duplicate contact to simplify changing Outlook forwarding rules in transitions

I use Outlook's rules to keep my e-mail nice and tidy. I also use them to make sure my assistant keeps updated on the goings on. Or I used to, anyway. And now I do again. And I figured out how to simplify updating those rules to make sure the next time I change assistants. I set up a duplicate contact, tell rules to send it to that contact, and change the e-mail address listed for that contact whenever the person changes. All the rules sending messages to that contact (now with a different address) will automatically change.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Changes to the Indiana Appellate Rules in January 2015

The Indiana Supreme Court has adopted several important changes to the Indiana Rules of Appellate Procedure effective January 1, 2015. I’ve summarized them below, sorted by topic and importance.